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The Safeguarding Adults Board brings together a number of agencies to ensure that there is a joined up approach to Adult Safeguarding. Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is about working together to support people to make decisions about the risks they face in their own lives and protecting those who lack the mental capacity to make these decisions.

Safeguarding adults requires organisations to work closely together, in partnership, to support and safeguard adults at risk of abuse and neglect. Strong partnerships are those whose work is based on an agreed policy with common definitions and a good understanding of partners’ roles and responsibilities. Safeguarding adults is however far more than a set of guidance or procedures; it is all we do in all our work, in our practice, and our communities to prevent abuse and promote the wellbeing of adults with care and support needs. It includes the preventative work of our care and health services, as well as the support of our neighbourhoods and communities.

Lindsey Lodge Hospice and Healthcare is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all those it cares for. We recognise our responsibility to promote safe practice and to protect all from harm.

The Registered Manager is the Executive Director with Board responsibility for safeguarding adults at the Hospice.

The Hospice can link to the Local Safeguarding Adults Board (LSAB) and sub groups at both strategic and operational levels in the East Riding of Yorkshire, North and North East Lincolnshire as required. The usual link is to the area board in which the provider is based i.e. North Lincolnshire; however there may be occasions where the link is to the LSAB of the postcode of the patient (North Lincolnshire LSAB would signpost as required).

Our Safeguarding policies and procedures ensure that robust systems are in place and set out the framework within which all employees and volunteers of the organisation are required to work to keep people safe. They are therefore able to respond appropriately to any safeguarding concerns. Within the organisation we have the following in place and are therefore able to demonstrate the robust framework within which we work –

  • Safeguarding policies and procedures
  • Safeguarding lead
  • Departmental safeguarding champions with enhanced level 3 safeguarding training
  • Alignment with external safeguarding teams
  • Mandatory safeguarding training
  • Analysis of information we receive to minimise risk to service users accessing our care. Particular attention is paid to any concerns raised around alleged or potential harm, neglect or abuse.

The following members of our team have completed Safeguarding Level 3:

  • Chief Executive
  • Matron
  • IPU Deputy/Hospice Liaison Officer
  • Advanced Nurse Practitioner
  • Registered Counsellor
  • Consultant Palliative Medicine & Medical Director
  • Advanced Care Practitioner
  • Wellbeing Centre Deputy
  • Therapy Clinical Specialist/Physiotherapist
  • Speciality Doctor
  • Counselling & Support Practitioner